Can anybody identify what shoes these are?
2024-2025 Roster now available
[Xbox] W: Runes H: Karma, Mule, Ask
[xbox] w: mule h: mule
Xbox W: Runes H: Weapon of your choice.
[XBOX] W: Runes H: Karma
Xbox W: diallos armor H: ask
[Xbox] W: magic scorpion charm H: karma, mule
How’d I do
My characters and their lore
[XBOX] W: mule H: mule
[Xbox] W: Runes to level H: Karma, Love :)
Xbox w: runes h: +karma/mule
[xbox] w: carian sorcery sword h: runes/ask
Xbox W: each type of rune 99x h: ask
[XBOX] W: Runes to hit 713 so I can try high level pvp, H: I have most dlc weapons and armor if the dropper wants any
[xbox] w: divine bird warrior greaves H: runes/ask
Xbox [w] white mask [h] +10 Rivers of Blood
Xbox W: gold scarab tali H: ask
[XBOX] w: bloody helice +10 h: karma, mule, ask
(Xbox) W: Need someone to rune drop so I can help the community out with runes to H:
[xbox] W: Runes H: Mule+Karma+A few items
Xbox W: Mule H: Runes or Any weapons
Xbox W: great star H: ask