9 years ago I woke up to a text from my dad that read “planet earth is blue”.
What happened to Bowie between Let's Dance and Outside? Why were his musical works in those years not up to par with what had come before?
Original photo of Scary Monsters' album cover
Highest note sung?
David bowie and Mick Jagger had an affair. Can anyone back up or disprove this?
Y’all I’m not hating but like half this movie is just them kissing fr
why can't i disable speaking exercises abymore? i swear i used to be able to
Happy birthday David Bowie 🎂
BRO I MISS BOWIE SO MUCH😭 HAPPY BDAY BOWIE!🥳🎸 In honor of his bday start a Bowie lyrics chain! (I already started 1)
Never had the chance to meet him, but still miss him. Happy birthday 😢
Happy birthday to the one and only 💓 💛 ❤️ 💗 💕
Happy Birthday David Bowie
David Bowie would have turned 78 today! Happy Birthday & Rest In Peace to one of the best to ever do it! Forever an icon! Forever missed!
He's a fan
Happy Birthday to David Bowie.
In honor of Bowie’s birthday, name a song his you like, and I’ll suggest a similar song by a different artist!
I just realized something about the “Skin of a killer” scene
Rewatching Twilight as an adult
Here's one for those Doctor who fans
Will you say "no" to this question?
Anyone who knows this movie knows that half of it is just them kissing😬👌
What song is this for you?
Chat hear me out David Bowie songs need to be added to just dance😭😭😭
Vampire Bella was underrately gorgeous! (Those eyes!)
I will never not be angry about this.