mustve been a wild 10 minutes…
Is Donald Trump a reptilian?
I don't wanna meet that dad.
Found this gem on reels
My car is totaled
Traveling to Laughlin, what are the best places to see wildlife?
Looking for cool dudes in Vegas who want to hang out at the Always Sunny rave this Saturday. (*Nothing sexual*)
Most important Psychedelic Album
The notes said they left a cash tip by the door.
To state a fact on Reddit.
151 tins drop at Costco in Toronto this morning
here we go. i know next to nothing about this book besides the blurb and that its confusing (etc) to read. any advice before i start?
What's the name of the weed you're smoking?
When you forget to turn on Autotune
Have y'all ever used Dr. Bronner's soap? I feel like I'm reading house of leaves on a freakin soap bottle every time I take a shower
First firearm purchase, weird experience at the store
Caught this pull on camera.
the face of a hero
Fuck my kids i have to smoke my harmless plant
my daughter called... decline!
(US) remember the words: "am I free to leave?"
Hippy Carwash
Damn. It’s almost like everyone hates you. Wish the toddler had a dad that cared.
Pulled this crazy thing
With the passing of each predator, a year gets added to Robert Lyons’s life.
The Design is Very Human
Why didn't Gale just dodge?