How much of a priority was balance for Daggerfall?
Why is Daggerfall's world so big?
[SPOILERS?] Why don't Circles just send a giant Mage kill squad to the Deep Roads to end the Darkspawn forever?
What determines how much EXP a foe gives on death?
|Spoilers!| Ostargar Bothered Me
|Spoilers!| Ser Cauthrien and Fort Drakon
GOG Developer Console Help Sought
What creatures can suffer Injuries?
How do vendors upgrade items via buying items back?
Would anyone use this?
Can anyone give me their point of view and personal experience of playing as a Mage warden?
Help me understand why Arcane Warrior is worthwhile on a Mage.
[Spoilers] What are ALL the ways to become a Blood Mage in Origins?
Help me understand staves, spells, and related mechanics.
Help me understand how EXP works in DA:O.
A Feed the Beast (FTB)-like mod wad with ALL mods to download at once but for Dragon Age: Origins?
What are the EXP, item, and cash rewards for each origin?
Precompiled Mod Lists & Mod Wads for DA:O
Do temporary stat modifiers count as prerequisites for skills and spells?
[Spoilers!] Returning to Dragon Age: Origin for PC. How to do Origins, Awakening, and DLC on Nightmare?
Challenge Idea - Beat the BG1/SOD/2 trilogy with a 6 man party of the same class
BG1 Mage Summary!
Do you guys like playing a Monk?
SOTO now that I have had time to let it sit with me.