Do you ever feel disappointed when you see that the post has too many comments?
Is it just me or I feel like the life has a "solution"
Do you think there’s any beauty in chaos?
From what height do you have to fall to die
I would like to have a clone of myself as a friend
If i wasn't on holidays id wake up half an hour ago, but i didnt even go to sleep yet
Do it
Any ideas on how to earn like 170k renown in 13 days?
What annoys you the most in Cyberpunk?
What’s your favorite melee weapon?
If you could have one thing from the game IRL what would it be?
Cyberware capacity shards started dropping again on my 120hr save file. Finally got my build!
Why no more DLC after Phantom Liberty?
Так, є взагалі ті, хто користується цим лайном, незважаючи на його ризики для приватності? Цікаво почути вашу думку.
Rate the top operators for me
Why’d they change her?
How to update laptop ram
"Versus Ai" after the update
try to guess which kind of player i am and maybe the rank from the tierlist
A story in 2 parts
How hard is it to get access to r6 matketplace right now?
Jager mains, what is this strat called?
Which skins will be the most valuable once on r6 Marketplace
Giddey in top 10 least efficient scorers
Mozzie and Thorn's ACOGs are gone on TS as of today