[LOTM new reader/meme] so far, 50+ chapters in, and this is how I see the characters are
So meme.. now Do what it says.
[Donghua]Does anyone know where to find the Donghua Poster for wallpaper?
What’s your name?
[LOTM general] How long did it take you guys to finish Lotm?
[LotM Shitpost] Which Sequence name do you relate with the most?
[LotM V3] Based on a recent interaction I had
[LotM general] My fellow Audrey fans, praise.
[LOTM] Why is her last name Wall if she's of the Door pathway? Is Cuttlefish stupid?
[COI V2] How it feels trying to read COI after LOTM knowing damn well most people thought it sucked
[LOTM & COI] about the recent wave of degeneration
[Lotm general]*animated adaptation
Ranking survivors based on how easy/annoying it was to unlock all their abilities
[LotM Vol8]Wht is you moment that was like this in the novel
About the donghua
[LotM general] I'm going to hear everyone out.
Driving back an army BY YOUR SHEER AURA is crazy.
If any of us got sent to [LOTM], we'd be so cooked
Top 5 best hunters in lotm [lotm/Coi geneal]
(LotM general) People need to learn the nomenclature.
[LOTM V5]Roselle is such an Enigma!(No one is more suitable than "Him" to become the black emperor...)
[Lotm v8] The best moment of each volume (8/8) The Fool
[LotM V1 ch90] should i continue it?
I got cooked💀