Sagittarius was voted as the most optimistic Zodiac sign, and Capricorn was voted as the least. Next: Which sign is the most controlling, and which is the least?
Signs that bring the best out of you
What’s some stereotypes about your sun sign that you completely disagree with?
Mercury aquarius
What sign?
Your mars and venus sign and your fetish
What Venus sign do you find yourself consistently attracted to and why?
Whats your moon sign and what kind of people are you generally attracted or drawn to, and vice versa
What’s your Mars sign and how does your SO tick you off and vice versa?
What are the best placements for dating?
Bored, my take on some of the zodiac signs toxic traits in relationships,
Capricorn tendency?
If your Moon is squared, opposed, or conjunct with Saturn, what's your mom like?
What's your moon placement, and does it influence your taste in music?
I noticed that people with heavy Pisces influence really care about animals, true?
How do you flirt and what is your Mercury sign?
What sign are you and with which sign you feel most compatible sexually?
house stelliums
Which are the harshest Moon and Venus combos to have in ones chart?
Any other mars in Leo feel the need to always be complimented
What sign 🤔
What’s your stellium and do you relate to it more than your sun sign?
Any other Pisces women dating an Aries man ?
Moon sign > Sun Sign
From which sign you felt the most loved and seen and why is it Cancer?