Fiancé painted and did the trim in our kitchen. I don't like it, he says I'm just a hater. Thoughts?
Has anyone mastered the art of not giving a fuck?
What are your Hot Takes on JTV?
Why do people think it’s so weird to like wired headphones?
How do you feel after seeing these photos
"I feed you! cook for you! give you clothes!" etc.
How Do y’all feel about Jane Ramos?
You know if rue's father robert were to be a cancer survivor instead dying in the show but rue still became what she is today what would he think of her?.
I love just staring at my cat
Who is Klaus’s true love?
im hoping this is satire but i honestly can't tell
When people on Reddit downvote because you made a mistake
People who turn on an accent to pronounce an individual word.
Confusion about Maddie’s Rape Accusation
What is a "joke" or things that your parents said to you when you were little that you now realize was abusive?
Judgmental comments towards hijabis from non-Muslims
When people put the pasta in the bowl and the sauce on top instead of mixing it through beforehand.
Does anyone know the name of this song?
Unnecessary Gender stereotypes on animals
Can someone give me some hope
I can’t stand Emily and Aria, Spanna ftw
I just can’t with her
When Redditors talk about conservatives as if they are researchers on a wildlife safari
When Professors don’t use any visual aid during lectures
When people making clubbing into something more than it is