Street Demon Kubuko? (Set 14 Teaser)
Glourious Day self cover
The countdown…could it be McDonalds????
Day 7: What Brakence Song Made you a Fan?
Did anyone just randomly fall in love with Touhikou?
My Dramaturgy Fanart
for a university project we had to design the cover of an album by our favorite artist, so I made this.
Eve announces two additional Seoul Korea Concert shows
Literary Nonsense
What does this pop up mean?
I got the eve MUSICA Vol 202 Magazine (some pictures)
Eve Announces overseas ticket lottery for [BUNKA]
There will be an Announcement in 3 Hours
For all the USA tour copers (including me)
Overseas ticket lottery ( Ariake Arena)
Big A’s Favorite League Champion?
What if we got it all wrong?!
Eve Asia tour tickets
A game that will "ruin your life"
A video game where me and my friends can grind the world at different times
A video game where me and my friends can grind at different times on the same world
Championship Kha'Zix got renamed?
Doran's Ring / Doran's Blade / Dark Seal / CPot Start?
How to beat zed as viktor