She Cap'n on my Jazz until I Burritos, Inspiration Point, Fork Balloon Sports, Cards in the Spokes, Automatic Biographies, Kites, Kung Fu, Trophies, Banana Peels We've Slipped On, and Egg Shells We've Tippy Toed Over. 😞
Anyone miss The Cardboard Swords?
Real emo only consist of bald guy power pop from the 1990s
recommend me ur favorite old emo songs and ill rate
Is Dashboard Confessional just proto weedmo?
looking for actual emo pop recs
outjerked by r/nirvanacirclejerk
What kinda take is this?
Is Beefeater considered "emocore?"
Guys, is this game emo?
Emo songs to have sex to?
“I’m a 5’4, man-whore who slit his wrist yet a hundred thousand kids out there think I’m the shit”
Best skramz album I've heard. Very obscure, might've been from Yugoslavia
Guys, am I wrong for jorking it to Cap'n Jazz?
Opinions on this album?
I'm off to get swallowed by the sun because I realised my friends don't make me happy
I'm convinced that you know emo if you know who "My Chemical Romance" is.
What emo band is this?
Is Mae considered emo?
Is having balls emo?
Some of my favourites
Say it ain't so.
Skramz vocalist wants ice-cream (you won't believe what happens next 😱🙀‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️)
Omg just imagine the poser metal girl 🖤 the poser emo boy
The new Texas Is The Reason EP is... Interesting, don't know why they changed their name to TX2 though
What was Jerome's Dream thinkin 😭🙏🏻