Dev diary 372 moment
Caught about a third of the continent's army in a single encirclement
What's the strongest modded crisis you've ever fought or seen? (Image very related)
A story in 3 pictures
(Interesting event) The Panicking Swarm
Well that's kinda sad
So, uhm. Blokkats. What do you even do against them???
What the actual fuck is this shit.
The Galactic Core
🧭 “Daring Do and the Yaks that SMASH!” 🏔️
How can i progress?
Does This Mean What I Think It Means?
RSS: Venus is cool looking. (or actually hot looking...) I tried to land but parachutes did not open. I slammed into the surface. :(
Remember that "gas station"? Yeah, Im going to send it off to Europa.
Have you ever wanted to send your mighty fleet across the galaxy, but couldn't stand waiting for it to arrive? Fret no longer, for the Supermassive E.H.O.F. makes the notion of "travel time" a thing of the past!
Stock parts only ISV (with TURD for recolouring) what do you think of this design ?
Vive la France ! Vive l'OTAN !
It seems the new DLC will also feature 3D landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty!
How the fuck do I defeted this thing from "Gigastructural Engineering" mod? Its some computer called Matrioskha Brain that will destroy the galaxy in 25 years if it isn't destroyed.
Informative chart about Neoblokatina, an unique double ringworld
I just noticed, Moho is gone. Guess I have to go trough all my mods and find the one that deleted Moho.
CM Confirmed "New Stuff" Next Patch!
The cap on Requisition Slips is awful and might be hurting motivation to play in the late-game, it should either be removed or we need something else to do with the slips
RT56 Greenland leader looks... Creepy...
Cosmogenesis seems to be the only path towards salvation