It Isn’t Just Trump. America’s Whole Reputation Is Shot.
French diplomacy☢️💦
French edging ☢️💦
Germany:"whatever it takes" 500bn+ defence fund
"Whatever it takes"
voted for trump btw
"Details klären wir später": Vizekanzler Habeck macht Maischberger sprachlos
Denmark, Canada, Ukraine, EU and Mexico are just going to develop nuclear weapons and the “afraid of nuclear war candidate” will end up ushering in a new dark age of nuclear proliferation
Syrian Boogaloo and the Far Left
Bundestag beschließt Resolution gegen Antisemitismus
Lauren Eastern releases her statement
Gericht stuft Letzte Generation als kriminell ein
Warum linke Subkulturen so anfällig für Antisemitismus sind
Daily Simple Questions Thread - July 31, 2022
"Ein ganz normales imperialistisches Land wie England oder Deutschland" – Karola Stange
Nato aktiviert Krisenmodus nach russischen Truppenbewegungen
Daily Simple Questions Thread - January 18, 2020
Daily Simple Questions Thread - December 17, 2019
Paris. Rarely does a photo so accurately capture the spirit of an era
Summit1G TET Enchant
The only way we will ever see a decent ranking system is if there is a full reset with streaks removed and a Solo-rank added.
So how do you all feel about the new normal of distribution in the higher ranks?