I'm looking for a grandfather name that's somehow Rock N Roll themed.
Burningman bus getting destroyed by the bridge as it's towed
Arcade Recs?
This painted metal ingot(?) was used as a doorstop for decades. Anyone recognize the letters on it?
The Theatricality of Truth: A Historiographical Analysis of the Only Recorded Performance of ‘The Baby of Mâcon’
L train delays
Post C-Section, is the adult diaper for blood and discharge from the pregnancy/surgery, or is it for poop and pee?
Worst dish you’ve had in nyc ?
Best Italian in bushwick?
Starr Street eye sores
What’s the latest a main character has been introduced into the show?
I'm mid at singing; will I get into a good MT college program?
If you’re trying a case in Rochester NY this may be one of your jurors
Spiritual Jazz Theory (Alice Coltrane, Don Cherry)
I so desperately need another jazz album that sounds like this
Looking for the name of a specific play that resulted in riots
I have watched the entirety of Bear in the Big Blue House hundreds of times in the last year. My son's first word (aside from Mama and Dada) was "Bear." I know there must be other Bear fams on here. Discuss the lore with me, I beg you.
Does the curse of Macbeth wear off?
What's an album that should have had a different name?
What's the straightest musical?
What FOODS sound like they could be names? I’ll go first: Celery
I’m making some chicken stock for soup, do I need to let it cool before I make soup?
Where can i buy za’atar
What “meme” songs do you unironically love?