How would you rate my cooking skills?
Moltres Champions (by gonzarez)
Pretend you just watched Shigaraki vs Mahito and this was the result
Haven't played this since last year, starting over from a new save. Using primarily gen 9 mons, but feel free to recommend any pokemon to use.
What’s a basic Pokémon who starts with an awesome design and gets worse as it evolves? I’ll go first.
Pokémon Champions Girl promo art
What’s everyone’s March pulls so far?
WIP Wednesday
I don't think Mario's Madness soundtrack can compete with Metal Gear Rising soundtrack (don't judge me ok, the Metal Gear rising soundtrack is worth listening imo like mario's madness)
True That. Not even any Solar System Feats.
Name three great /best nicknames for Pokemon you’ve come up with (or found online) on your current team?
An Offer She Can't Refuse
Rika became the counselor! Now who’s the hall monitor?
THE RESULTS ARE IN!! This is the Debate Chart for Cell vs Zygarde (Dragon Ball vs Pokémon) completed by YOU. Do you agree with the results?
Spoiler alert Ladies and Gentlemen, someone has been in the kitchen COOKING 🔥🔥
Am I the only one that thinks Pokemon SV sucks?
What the fuck
Seeing as Ogerpon really only has 3 possible options for her Sync Pair Trainer, who do you want it to be?
Za vs Arkoos
What are some pokemon you think need more representation?
I think you can guess who I picked
It's almost a year. Do you enjoy Hisui Contents Drought?
Characters that are insanely oblivious when it comes to romance
Oh god, the female vs female matchups
I can't wait for Sada and Turo to be added only to argue about Past vs Future all the time