Qué juegos gratis o baratos le instalo a mi papá en PC? Busco recomendaciones :)
Trying to install home assistant with screen.
My marauder doesnt show anything on the screen
Esp32 diy screen not turning on
I cannot flash my board for the project I want to make even though it looks the same as the one needed.
¡Sorpréndeme con el dato más inútil pero curioso que tengas en mente!
The metallic base of my Ender 3 v3 SE is bent
Installing bruce on Esp32 + ILI9341
How to make a Home assistant and Pi hole in the same Raspberry Pi 4B?
Opinions Wanted I want to use my raspberry pi for both this things and want to have a interface for home assistant in my screen while
Is there a way of installing home assistant and pi hole in the same Raspberry Pi 4B?
Any cool Arduino Uno projects for hacking or other usefull proposes?
2025 Jan 6 Stickied -FAQ- & -HELPDESK- thread - Boot problems? Power supply problems? Display problems? Networking problems? Need ideas? Get help with these and other questions!
Forja for pwnagotchi
Is it really a good idea to make a cyberdeck?
Can I install Pi-hole in Raspberry pi 1? Or pico?
small dual monitor PC build for simple office tasks on the go
I put a Raspberry Pi computer inside the Lego Retro Radio (10334) and connected it to the tuning knob so now it plays my own music, and changes the song when I turn the knob.
Portable PC/HF Radio