If you could summarize all humankind problems in a single one, what would it be?
What celebrities reached Michael Jackson level of fame?
If you take one hundred, thousand or even a million babies and have them be raised by the nicest, most loving family, will they all turn out to be kind-hearted selfless saints?
In your opinion, which food tastes better the next day?
Why does anyone boil hotdogs instead of microwaving?
If cocaine is to New York City, and weed is to San Francisco, what is the equivalent for Salt Lake City?
Do people ever get cancer of two different areas at the same time?
How close is your supermarket?
I discovered i could smell cancer as a child (any one else out there have this quirk?)
Visiting Chapel Hill in June. What’s something I can do there that I can’t do anywhere else?
What’s one “type” you’ll never date again?
Visiting Des Moine for the first time. What is something I can do, see, experience or eat that I probably can’t anywhere else?
What can I do in Athens that I can’t do anywhere else?
Are all games rigged even old maid. I can’t win at any game.
Is physical appearance deal breaker for you? Or would you date an ‘ugly’ person if they had good social skills?
My cat sits by the door and whines and yells. What do I do?
Attractive Redditors, what's the reason you're still single?
Hi, new here. I’m sure this has been asked here or elsewhere, so can anyone direct me to a thread that asks people if they’ve won the lottery?
Do you rhink that god exists?
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?
How many times a month do you go grocery shopping?
What do you think is the secret to always making a girl feel pretty?
What are your thoughts on atheists?
What comes to your mind when you think of Finland?
This track runner claims she didn't mean to hit the other runner with the baton on purpose