Cersei at Ned's Execution
Joffrey's stunts were good for Tyrion
You are given a piece of paper and a pencil and sent 200 years into the past. Your goal is to technologically advance humanity as much as possible. What do you do?
Trolley heaven
Insult or fact?
What are your seriously hot takes from the show only?
Your parachuting student forgot his parachute, you both are filmed for massmedia. Would you rather let him plumet to his guaranteed death, or grab a hold of him with now a 20% shot at survival for the both of you?
He is the perfect husband
why did I find a post with a graveyard of deleted comments? what the hell happened?
You are the King (or Queen) of Westeros; which head of the great houses (since Aegon’s Conquest) would you most want as your strongest ally?
Once upon a time, I gave my elementary school teacher a "brain teaser".
Sleep = Negative
Copenhagen vs multiverse trolley
Is it just me who thinks this version is better than the original?
am I the asshole for fantasizing about launching his phone into the sun???
Do you slash one for one apple or spin move for 2 apples?
The Dual Trolley Prisoner’s Dilemma
Ashes of Eden meaning
Time vs pain
When people give a numerical range and list the “maximum” before the minimum…
If Ned had called for a trial by combat, who would have fought for Ned and Joffrey?
Save the people, or save 20 kittens?
A guy said he will kiss my foot and he will pay me 100 pounds should I accept
Don't be mad
I just slept for 14 hours