Secretly, Draco Malfoy was jealous of Harry's friends. Perhaps that was why his new friends were very similar to them.
Hermione Granger and Daphne Greengrass are the same person.
Hermione discovers why Griffindor didn't win the House Cup for years.
Question about the Peach Tree
Demeter Major Goddess Concept
"Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire , Harry", asked Dumbledore calmly pushing Harry off the Astronomy Tower to his doom.
"What's this... you are hereby invited to the wedding of Cho Chang and RON WEASLEY?!"
When Severus Snape learns about how the Dursleys treat Harry, he's furious... at their incompetence. He visits the Privet Drive in order to teach them how to make Harry truly miserable.
"5 points from Griffindor for being an insufferable know-it-all, Granger!" Snape sneered at Hermione. "He's right, you know!" Ron said to Hermione.
Is there a new tier list somewhere for minor gods?
Turns out, Peter Pettigrew had a son who grew up thinking his father died a hero.
Immortals were more like interesting and unique than the new Chinese heroes
Muggleborns aren't allowed to study at Hogwarts. However, each year, evil Dumbledore accepts one muggleborn student just to show them the magical world, only to expel them before their first term is over so they can never be a part of it.
Nyx Major Goddess Concept
Rheia's God Power needs a buff.
"Now listen here boy, you will stay in your room and not make any sound. This has the potential to be the biggest deal of my career. I need everything to be perfect for when the Potters arrive!"
Which path?
The Prophecy is about Harry and Neville, one destined to be the new Dark Lord and the other one to be the hero to defeat him.
Sirius Black escapes from Azkaban while Harry is at the Burrow over the summer. Sirius tries to sneak in there to talk to Harry.
Retold is missing the feeling of pleasing the gods—let's talk about this
"Harry, the CEO of the company that makes Firebolt has become a Death Eater" said Hermione.
Frigg Major Goddess concept for the Norse