In my opinion, the reason why aliens have never visited us because space travel does not work the same way it does in science fiction
[Daredevil issue 181] I recently read through Frank Miller’s entire run. And one little detail I like is that bull’s-eye thinks outside the box. But Kingpin is a bit more rigid in his thinking
Am I doing these right?
Favorite origin books
Who is a honorary Superman?
I just found out Charmy is 19. Like what? I thought she was 12 or something. I refuse to believe that she’s the same age as me💀
It finally came in the mail
A gift from my sister
How come wonder woman speed works so differently?
Who else has this?
The early signs of a serial killer according to Todd McFarlane
I just watched the first seven episodes of Black Clover. I’m in love with a new show.
Deku is a character I always resonated with as a autistic person. And is a character who I will always defend
I’m a huge marvel DC fan, what should I watch?
Zero to hero
Which comic related opinion was like this for you?
Favorite trope
No powers no gear
Just came in the mail
I’m getting real pissed off at
Christmas comic haul