Welp I was right again even if it was a question
To commemorate the end of Season 3, here's the Titlecard Supercut (Seasons 1 to 3)
Now it makes sense
The Oliver scene was one of the most horrifying things I’ve seen in this show.
Nah cause genuinely what the fuck 😭
My reaction to the season finale
Bruh this thumbnail 💀
This Mark was the one who never matured past his first outting and called himself the asskicker without realizing how woefully childish it was. The hood reminded me of Mark’s homemade look
fav clarence character & why?
Man even tho we didn’t get that much screen time with these two there’s already edits and fan art and I honestly feel so bad for them even if their murderers versions of our good mark
Nah fr that shits annoying even tyler is on YouTubes ass on this one
He just misses his mom :(
I’m so happy they made this one change from the comics
Am I the only one who isn’t feeling the voice?
BROOOO robert kirkman knew what he was doing
HE’S HERE!!!!!
Yo he sounded a little too comfortable when saying that 😭
How upset were you when we didn’t get this moment in the show?
Ryan ottley released some scrapped invincible variants
Here are rejected ideas from ryan ottley himself on the invincible variants I say some are quite interesting what are your thoughts?
Invincibles IRL
Why mark why 😭
No mark 😭
Nvm about us thinking they exclude some variants cause the 18 variants are all here