What would be you do if you were at camp half-blood? [all]
Where would you like to see Mordekaiser in an Existing Skin Line?
[General] Tell me about your OC!
Guys, listen to me...
Whats your favorite beyblade? Mine is flame sagittario
Reading Order[general]
[pjo] 8 hour flight, where are you sitting?
Who is your favourite god/goddess? [All]
Which team wins
Wanna sell my collection
why i love to see mordekaiser's winrate drop to ocean floor am i stupid?
Failed Design
Mordekaiser Is Outdated.
Bye Bye Winrate!
So what happened to our hook?
Does anyone know if there are rumors of a new skin?
Titanic or Hullbreaker?
sundred or sterak second?
Rank these 5
What male stereotypes don’t apply to you?
Real Darius Mains don’t use God King
Found the real garen
Anyone else completely misunderstand the summary for Unwholly?
Pov: Team went full ad. They couldnt even fight me, they were dying to sunfire and despair
The disappearance of the /r/RBI moderators