You can scale tall walls with this Cassidy tech | tutorial
Do you wish more Mercy creators spoke or do you prefer no commentary gameplay?
Most players don't understand how Brigitte's healing actually works - here's how it does.
Insane bash spots :)
You're using wall wrong! (Crazy Mei spots)
Cass IS a vertical hero! (Crazy roll spots)
Insane fade jump spots :)
Some insane Brig shield-bash spots :)
They shouldn’t let this universe die after Legacies. Do any of y’all want another show and if so, how would y’all do one?
Katherine physical strength
Is Jeff Goldblum the only person to break the 4th wall on Friends? I think so!
(6.14/10.13).. I think Ross acted mayurely in both of these situations, What do you think?
Did Anyone Else Think This Was The Start of a Katherine Redemption Arc?
There should be a difference in being invited into a house between an Original and a regular vampire
definitely one of my best ana sleeps
Anyone having trouble sending invite?
Nightwatch - inspired by firewatch
OMG 😭😭😭 This felt amazing!
Hanzo team kill!! I'm proud of this play :)
Accidentally heal botting
Ramattra just calling me out like that :/
Today is the day, reached master! finally!!!
my personal Mercy skin tier list ✨
Players who demand a pocket be like: