Question ❓
Finished just in time for Christmas.
My take on Gerber mark ll
I lost over 12 kg in 2 and half moths dye to difficulty swallowing but recently I have thick saliva 24h I losing clues what's happening
Izlazim sa predivnim momkom 6 meseci, pa bih htela da napravim neki lep dejt kod mene. Sta vi momci volite i kako vam ugoditi (osim ociglednog)?
Is there anyone who has treated their psychological dysphagia?
Djevojke, šta je vama sve red flag kod muškaraca sa naših prostora?
I can't eat because I feel food gets stuck in my throat
I'm not sure anymore
Pitanje za doktore hitnu I tako dalje Pitanje za doktore,hitnu I tako dalje
who else likes the smell of gasoline?
I have some questions
Zasto nitko ne prosvjeduje protiv cijena namirnica?
I literally hate myself h
Kako mogu da kažem by the way u srpskom? (inače ili usput?)
Being born is the ultimate injustice.
Pitanje za doktore hitnu I tako dalje
Not sure if gerd or dysphagia or globus but
Help me
Men who have conquered depression, what’s your secret?