Los Pasteles Verdes: Esclavo Y Amo
Roberto Carlos : Amigo
Recent Drake concert. All the signs are begging for money.
Budd will never know how cool he looked in this picture. Never kill yourself!
Has anyone here tried lucid dreaming? What are your experiences? I'm pretty bad at it and want to know if it's worth continuing.
Please tell me a joke you’ve made yourself.
Modern day Muses
Video essayists when it's time to analyze a cartoon made for toddlers
How different would the world be if women always had milk in their titties?
Happy Birthday Dasha!!!
Guy pretending to go to my college?
gifts for boys ?
I hate paramore
“🎶I'm so sick of it, your attention deficit🎶” Victoria Justice turn 32 today!
Big things are happening at fauxmoi
My mom used to watch ‘Jon and Kate plus 8’ with me and expected me not to be gay
ceo that luigi killed recognised by strippers on reddit
Anna is showing up in dreams now
Give me some subreddits with actual schizos
Was the website always this astroturfed? i cannot discern corny redditors from actual shill-bots anymore
What are your thoughts on this drawing?
Why did big glasses become fashionable?
has any of you spoken to an actual lizo fans
How many people in this sub / community actually listen to the RSP