Picked up a couple gems on my way home from dinner
Do you “let go” to astral project or do you have to focus?
Guys, I've just beaten Bad Dudes
Where does a 44 yo woman go after a divorce when she has no money job education family or a place to live?
What's the first video game that you have ever played?
Having pets is stupid
What’s a modern car feature you REALLY don’t like?
What! The! Fuck!?!
Do most women genuinely not have “dying/being injured heroically” fantasies?
Whats a movie everyone loves but you can’t stand?
Tractor supply Guilderland NY. Rats!
Any other Xennial gamers for life? Whatcha playin’?
Where’s the lie?
What do you do to feel better when you're depressed?
Why does sometimes things zoom out whenever I stare at them for too long?
(1st Grade Math) How can you describe this??
Why doesnt english have good word for "saft"
I have problems with the concept of soul splitting
Just for fun: I’m brand new to Skyrim. What’s the WORST advice you can give me?
What can't you believe is less than 90 years old?
What’s a childhood snack that disappeared but you still think about?
I feel like I can tell someone’s gender when I read comments on Reddit
I keep falling into the solipsism “trap” what’s the purpose.
What could these bumps be? bug bites or poisonous plant maybe?