Another easter egg :P (Movie: Battle of Britain (1969))
Why nato get less AT Launcher ammo? also less pen
Eugen made a booboo - IG Leak
Reinforcement Packs and Army General
Because the IS2 in warno now, what divisions on the west have Shermans / upgraded ones?
Nemisis #3: No T-55AD's?
Nemesis #3 - Home Front - Pact Preview
Eugen should do another pass over all divisions to limit power creep. Agree or Disagree?
Nemesis #3 - Home Front - NATO Preview
Disintegrated into bits!
New RP #17 - War Reserves - Units Reveal #3
Nemesis #4 - And the winner is...
Why does the 16de get Luxembourg fd inf historically/lore wise?
West Germany should have more divisions
How did U.S. families of soldiers react to their loved ones being buried overseas during WW2? Do those cemeteries still exist today?
New RP #17 - War Reserves - Units Reveal #2
If 4.2 doesn‘t win Eugene needs to release a West-German expansion
A case for T80U (early) and T80UD 3D model rework (Text below)
Nemesis #4.3 - Capital Defence
Nemesis 4.3 is coming. S neba privet!
Nemesis #4.3 - Delaying Forces
Speak Hrc47! Speak!
The Greatest Speech in WARNO History.
As Nemesis show goes on - some love for 2.2 pls