Still in utter disbelief that a man would choose Ash Trevino over Megan Fox😵💫😵💫
dean’s list
Can she just fuck off?
Just bc they love coming on here. This for you Jake😝
This gonna send her fans down a spiral💀🙏
one year ago today I started snarking on teriyaki and became a mod ❤️
How Jake talks about the G-wagon purchase
The faces…
God someone help me💀🙏
Okay, I know I'm being really mean
Such a hypochondriac 🤪🤪
Always thought of this..
Her subtle wanna b funny/ pick-me moments
Why hasn’t anyone clipped this yet
Tara drunk in New Orleans
Literally passed around must
oh nah…
Tara yummy fans do anything in their power to make Kenzie look bad
Is Jake into pdf bait?…
tara and alix
Jake is only posting Kenzie because of the recent “drama”
Bitches like this is why their egos are beyond their bodies…
jake’s response to @idkraevan on tiktok