The amount of times I tell myself I’m just faking it
My personal favorite place were the toilets:|
Spiderman Birthday update!
I (22yo transmasc) ended my five-year relationship (with cis guy) yesterday. Here is a list of things that should have made be leave before:
Visually explaining to 8yo autistic kid that we can't go back in time or redo moments of our day
I ended my five-year relationship yesterday. Here is a list of things that should have made be leave before:
How to i close it now?
How long did it take y'all's parents to gender you correctly?
Everything i'm doing/buying for my Spider-Man 23 birthday
Autism fashion thread... what are you wearing today?
Who do we feel about a plushie at school to a 8yo?
How do we feel about plushie in school to a 8yo?
I'm taking him to work tomorrow. I don't think he is very excited
Creating a transition book for a high needs kid
Which location do think works best? 1, 2, 3, or none?
Looking for a name!
Everyone shut up, she is trying to work
I don't think either of us know how a frog should look like😂
Feelings on sudden school transfer
update sobre o gato que entrou pela janela
29 - my new apartment post breakup. lol
Little painting i did for my younger sister's 18th birthday tomorrow
Bf (23M) tried to plan surprise bday party to me(22M) even though i was already planning one.
I have absolute no idea how setup my shelfs
Congratulations! You just had a baby boy. What are you naming him?