What are your recent tiny ADHD victories?
Who made this
Total or repair?
Just fixed the audio from a video posted before
Tried recreating some pokemon in spore
Do any of you guys prep for losing air conditioning?
What is the best minigame in history?
Describe ADHD in 1 sentence only….
Who is Moguera calling?
What (mass produced, no liberty prime or something akin) robot from Fallout would you want at your beck and call? I'm partial to Assaultron. My reasons are my own.
It's 1993 and you live in Knox County, Tennesee in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. You need a car to get out of Louisville into the outskirts close to Riverside. These are your options. What car do you pick?
Leatherman tap handle
Riding into work EDC
Couch deconstruction carry
Everyone: uses Leatherman. Me: swiss knife and a random plier I "borrowed" from my friend
Look what I found in a thrift store!
Leatherman collection (so far)
Questions about 4k players
Lesson learned never let a in law drive your Yaris…
Should I just try other video games before giving up gaming?
Worst holiday of the year for us?
Who is the best character voiced by a famous actor...
Perfect way to start the weekend.
My wallet hurts from this purchase
Hello everyone. I drew you an Electrode.