Why aren’t you playing Lemillion?
I’m gonna be real. No rapid should have a move that does more than 90 damage.
34th day of judgement, jury on the mic?
What's the only acceptable time to steal things like heals or level up cards from a teammates Kill?
What is the most satisfying character skill for you to use in the game
New Tournament
Hot take: If you don't solo queue you can't complain about people using meta characters.
Which combo is this for you guys?🥲
Cyberpunk Toga 💜 (art by me)
Not every strategist can just spam heals...the abilities have cooldowns...
I kind of feel bad😭
so how do you think the devs would handle Sir Nighteye?
If you could, how would you nerf or buff Strike Bakugo?
drop your mains in the comments and i’ll tell u how much i hate u or love u
Do you personally prefer any of the base versions of the characters over their QSS counterparts?
My screen froze and it looks like strike Dabi is about to jump out my screen and slap the shit out of me
What's a take that has you like this?
Probably My Swiftest Take Down With Kurogiri
Day 30 of judgement, another day, another child on trial
If you was to give any character a Star difficulty what would it be?
Is there any character that you don’t feel bad tbagging?
Remember kids, never think a character is a newbie because they are rocking the base skin
Is hp attack power or skill attack power better?
If this doesn’t convince you to get wall runner for your no mobility character then I don’t know what will