If you could go back in time, which A-Level option would you warn your past self about?
Say one word that only those doing your a-level would understand
So a boy was mUrd3rd at our school
Those with part time jobs what’s your pay and how much do you work?
i accidentally gave my friends better tips for her personal statement
my grades vs the required grades
Apartment for 1st yr uni
Drop your craziest Travis Scott take in the comments
storytime on how i snuck out to london’s show
i like this pic
are seated tickets just as live as standing??
london show starts at 5 now?
How long was the concert?
I want to read nana but im worried ill end up liking this guy
Long time fan, I find the passion is gone
stage design (UK)
What do you guys do that make your shift go by faster? (UK)
If you could bring back (or get rid of) any Menu item, what would it be?
My opinion on Jay
what's your fav PND song??? mines is "break from toronto"
Whats the lyric you always sing out loud?
Which Euphoria girl resonates with you the most and why?
worst thing this character has done or said? day 6!
Growing old in Sheffield
What song(s) from an album do you feel could go well on another album