Want to hit 30 states by the time I turn 30 in the fall, any suggestions?
Day 4 - We can still rename renamed states. Our top 3 powers are: 3. Long Florida 2. S 1. New England
georgia turkey season is almost here im excited for the lul to be over post deer season
First Deer Rifle Suggestions
What is that teacher saying that isn’t “unmarketable tomato”? Like what’s she actually saying?
Big game/deer hunting is for wussies
First hunting rifle
Does anyone know what this round is?
I’ve never hunted but I really want to.
Top comment removes a state. Day 6
Handgun ID
What rifle should I get and what caliber for deer in Georgia US?
.30-06 or .308? Which is better?
My dads “AK”
Are Remington 700s still good budget rifles?
For when the Mammoths return..
Looking for recommendations for hunting rifles
What rare/cool guns could someone have found for pretty cheap in the 80s & 90s
Browning A5 Magnum won’t cycle
I’m looking for a burger king toy from like 2010-11ish
I'm doing my first playthrough of rdr2 and I'm stuck in chapter 3. I can't seem to do any more missions and the only one that pops up is one with an M that when I go to, has no one there. Can anyone help?
What are the best wild horses?
On my 10th Playthrough, this makes me just as mad as the 2nd playthrough
POV: local rural road overshadowed by the new Interstate
Double-Heading Combo