i understand him more and more as i get older
Me in West Orlando CEC
Autistic women are not "better at masking"
People who don't want children what is your biggest reasons?
Why does Biff live with his grandmother instead of his parents?
Is Marty missing in his original timeline?
I agree but I’m sick of hearing it
Progressive hairloss on nape. Bica + duta. No hope left.
What would happen if Vicky had to babysit Pacifica Northwest
7 days post botox- how to make the burps quiet??
Am I the only one that disliked the new Marvin brother video?
There’s no way Daniel would remember Silver mentioning Kim Sun-Yung over 30 years ago
BREAKING: Logan Carreiro, who was deemed the "Chief Animatronic Officer" by CEC Corporate for his petition to save the Northridge CA location, exposed for racist and discriminatory social media posts.
If men don't want to date women over 30 because they're jaded, bitter and have trouble pair bonding, wouldn't the same thing apply to men over 30?
If cody is turning 17 isnt almost everyone in this episode a pedophile
SML Movie: Cody's Birthday Wish!
Heading in to month 4 of Finasteride making everything worse. I wasn't expecting regrowth yet, but I've been shedding since day one with no end in sight, now thin in areas that were never a problem before. Hairloss was 5yrs stable!
It’s toxic and unrealistic to expect a person you’re dating to never talk to any of their exes for any reason.
how old were you when lost first aired on tv?
why does nobody collab with logan?
The Springfield IL Subreddit moderator is an unhinged leftist with a big case of TDS
How do I start eating normal burgers?
Due to increases in MAGA spreading misinformation and hate: All maga users will be banned.
Would a new resturant with animatronics work
Is going to a GI doctor a waste of time?