High risk, high reward. Better than 84 years.
High risk, high reward. Better than 84 years!
Tawba-able gunah or straight to Kafirness?
Have some shame, O Women
Accepting Reality
After 4 years of marriage, this is what I'd tell guys.
Does Allah know if we are going to heaven or hell
Struggling with cycle of sin and repentance
Colleague won’t leave me alone
After 4 years of marriage, this iz what I'd tell guys.
After 4 years of marriage, here's what I'd tell guys.
How do I cope when my dua is not answered
I really can't wrap my head around why pure non-harmful instrumental music would be considered Haram.
I've Seen So Many Reddit Posts About This and I'm Sad…
Islam & narcissists
I want to stop listening to music
Not feeling this Ramadan
So, Allah Taala doesn't listen to your duas?