Guess who's getting dino nuggies for dinner :3
Brawndo has what plants crave
Gentleman yor turn
Wait what?!?!
What do you ACTUALLY want to see in a magazine for teens?
how does vicks vapor rub work so good
Dino nuggies Dino nuggies Dino nuggies
How should I organize my games on my desktop?
What to do if you got the lobster pregnant?
what has this subreddit become?
I this a normal way to treat a child i babysit
My name is Richard and I'm sitting in the corner
When’s the boyperiod update coming out?
can someone fix me my friend made me upset n now my tummy hurts and i dont have any friends to tell this to
yeah i still like femboys
I’m fairly certain the docs are concerned about how light I am as they’ve scheduled another appointment to check my weight in 3 months
Good soldiers follow orders
I really felt it when Grand Moff Tarkin said "It's tarkin time", then tarkined into a moth
They're trying to stop us from asking the real questions
Fellas, is it gay to be attracted to femininity
Why are femboys so cute
god forbid that i love femboys💔💔
You know what's kinda gay
What’s the best response to “good boy”
why are people so mean...