cartman with aids halloween costume?
need help deciding major
considering calling off next week because there’s no one to trade
Feminism has become toxic
caught by campus police
[Acne] i’ve tried everything and still have acne
AITAH i didn’t go with my friend to top golf after her boyfriend canceled on her.
how to you guys get the motivation to do a full curl routine every wash day
clean frigidaire ice maker EFIC117-SS
anxiety thinking about volleyball practice
will saline tarnish my jewelry
am i gonna die
What's the lyric you always gotta sing out loud?
why does julian hate ode to the mets
happy spotify wrapped everyone
What song got you like this?
i showed up late to practice for the third time and the team has to do sprints
hydroxyzine before practice?
i’ve been here for less than a week and i cant stop crying
cheating a weed test
first long drive
cheating a drug test
felt like i was dying
this sub is just the sexist version of a “white racism” sub
Human rights shouldn't be ignored in the battle of the sexes.