Do you know how your baby was made?
I feel like my baby hates me/life
Baby eating less and just wants to sleep??
Delivering the Placenta
How many weeks were you when you gave birth to your first?
her most recent tiktok
36 weeks, how’re we feeling??
Thoughts on being induced before the new year for insurance purposes…
What’s your pregnancy complaint today?
9 week ultrasound trying to guess what baby is!
Am I feeling baby movement? 16 weeks
7 weeks 5 days symptoms gone…
What’s your Roomba’s name?
7 wks 5 days and symptoms are gone???
am i going crazy or am i pregnant
10dpo FRER FMU Is this what I think it is?
Does the line progression look okay???
Does this look positive??!?? 9dpo
Sore breasts… 6dpo
Not called to do IVF
seeing eggs on ultrasound?
Found this on her youtube video
Could I have ovulated at CD 10? Is this too early?
Ovulating naturally for the first time
Everyone is pregnant …except me