What's one boss, no matter how many times you face them, you always take damage on? I'll start
A normal game with tainted keeper just for fun . It is FUN
Should I take
That devil deal has some sort of hidden catch? Couse this is too good :D
Just got Repentance :D
Just finished my first tainted character! Who should I do next?
Do you think im ready to fight mega satan ? (Joking)
If you could change one thing on tainted keeper what could it by ?
I have a question. Wich is better ?
Whibh one should I buy first? (No spoilers)
Man i love The Forgotten. The Forgotten is the best !
My first game with The Forgotten . I already like this character :D
I have this fanart by u/Tboi_Fan2939 if any one wants to do a mod hete it is ( its on the body text couse there isn't enough space )
New character I made :)
I have a question
My Progression after 160Hours, am I progressing or having Fun?
The WORST Non tainted character
People say . "don't play pre-repentence keeper it's a waste of time to play it ". I say that every character is fun , you just need a good seed and don't die on basement 2 like me for 2 hours straight.
how did I get this?
Why red?
I messed up and it cost me 3 hours of my life
FINALLY GREEDIER WITH T.LOST (with broker run ofc)
do these mods count as cheating???