AITAH for trying to move when an older man sat next to me
Accident after Falling asleep at Red light
CPC now beating PPC's conspiracy lunacy
handling kids with this condition
Poilievre Promises a Conservative Government will Cancel Federal Funding for “Woke” University Research
PetSmart in Ottawa labels its own Simply Nourish brand as Canadian when it’s made in the US
PetSmart labels its own Simply Nourish brand as Canadian when it’s made in the US
Most Ridiculous Baby Changing Station I Have Ever Seen
Do your dreams react if you have to pee?
The price of narcolepsy
What are some features you'd like to see in the next Animal Crossing for the Switch 2?
I want to watch more Canadian Youtubers does anyone have suggestions?
XYREM - in Canada?
Donald Trump comments on Canadian and EU cooperation.
Anyone's partners struggle to sleep next to them?
I was diagnosed today
Saharah’s first sale [guykopsombut]
413 villagers by color (approximately)
Sun Sensitivity
Narcolepsy in movies/tv
Food Bank - what is being donated with the 'buy Canadian' movement
American living in Canada, what's the best store to get miscellaneous kitchen stuff like blenders and cotton towels that isn't Walmart?
i might be out of my meds crap
sleep tests in canada
Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy.
Isopod dinner