I hate to admit this but... I overbought, and I need solutions.
I'm going to graduate and I won't have anyone there.
Guys, my grandma bought me mudvayne I don't know if this is mudvayne guys🤷
So... isn't the heaven in Doom supposed to be an alien one, not the Christian one? I'm confused here, but from what I recall the heaven and hell aren't the biblical ones, but an alien one.
No words can describe the joy I feel right now
The boys are back in town!
A kind of popping, I guess
Have a classic pizza thrower? Help me settle a debate
Room for rent $730
If not drugs, then what?
Fiancé painted and did the trim in our kitchen. I don't like it, he says I'm just a hater. Thoughts?
Would anyone buy 100 sqf of tiles?
When you watched the film for the first time, who did you root for?
What do I do with this?
Almost $1000 for a loose Goku in a plastic shell… eBay sellers man
Didnt Pick It Up but It Was Nice Seeing a McFarlane Figure Being Weird and Cool
my new kitten is so scared of me still
Ordered some Uber Eats - Got a puppy as a side benefit?
Retired my piercing and now I get recurring spots that pop like this.
My girl lost her babies. I dont know what to do.
A certain toy company just announced this
New Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Military Turtles - These look great!