First corset that I buy and I LOVE IT!!!
When the Oblivion remake comes out, would you prefer the original style of security lock picking or something like Skyrim's style?
So I entered the Bravil Mages Guild, and Delphine Jend just dropped dead out of nowhere. If I reload the autosave, she's dead, but remains standing.
I love looking like this whilst having a surprisingly deep voice
really loved this outfit + got a gender affirming haircut! :)
I'm a 9 what rubber duck are you
[No Spoilers] Vax cosplay at ALA '25
Photos I took of Keyleth from Critical Role at ALA '25
28 year old non binary lost in the middle of nowhere just wanting to make new friends :3
28 [NB4A] #online just here to meet new people
How many hours did you spend in the beta?
Last post Blew up! So I'm giving away a copy of Wilds!
schedule problems(yea I know the most common)
should I buy a gpu with no pc yet
Winter castle
Sometimes you just need to stop working on your game and take a screenshot
Going out and finally decided to use make up outside again how did i do?
Hair up or hair down?
I've been drying the same PLA spool for 12+ hours and it still strings a lot, is there any option reduce it somehow?
Just have to say titancraft minis printed awesomly on my ender 3v3 se .4 nozzle and everything stock. I know I can get it better
Really enjoying the wilds demo
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Ender v3 se auto level just doesnt work
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