Burger for lunch
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Has it gone too far or not far enough?
Help me settle a bet: What is this called?
What can i do with these standard of heros? - SC Ladder PC
End of Ze World - "H'okay so here's the Earth."
No chat makes games feel so different
To Riot Pabro | Mordekaiser Mains Suggestions/Requests For The Shan-Uzal Skin | (Re-uploaded)
Whatever this new match making system is, I'm getting so many better quality games.
Now that its been delayed:
What champions are heavily nerfed or buffed on ARAM?
What is everyone most excited about for bl4
When should I buy nashor's tooth?
What's something that players do that signal to you that they're really good?
How we feeling Mordekaiser nation?
Is anyone actually planning on spending 250 for a mordekaiser skin?
What is the strongest class this season?
queue pops and you click on accept. top 3 things that tilt you in the champ select screen?
I got my first ever PENTA In ARAM with Pantheon!
Anyone else miss the piltover map?
Field Trip to the Sherwood Forest?
Which team do you think won this one? :)
Abysmal win rate
[DFT] Regal Imperiosaur
[DFT] Unstoppable Plan