Somebody call the police, there's been a damn murder
Merry christmas random person, So where is my gift?
Kidnapped by their Father: Where are CJ (3) and William (2) Vosseler? Rochester New Hampshire, October 9, 1986
Oh no not the pizza!
Still can’t eat :(
Missing In Oklahoma: Michelle Crawford, went to the movies in 1999 and never came back home.
Missing In Massachusetts: Brittany Tee vanished in 2023, the search continues a year and a half later
Missing In New Hampshire: 23 year old Amanda Grazewski vanished in 2020, many questions surrounding her case
Missing In New Hampshire: Eddy Segall vanished in 1977, from a neighborhood that she was fairly new to at the time, what happened over 4 decades ago?
Day 5 after eday- help please!
Missing In New Hampshire: Where did Oded Gordon go when he left the garden in 1989?
Missing In Pennsylvania: Was Amy Pugner abducted in 2010? Where is she now?
Missing In Iowa: Kimberly Doss, vanished in 1980, reported missing in 1982, due to misidentification case stalled for years.
Missing In Pennsylvania: Joey Offutt's home exploded and her young infant son died before the blaze, What happened to Joey in 2007?
Missing In Pennsylvania: 2 year old Christopher Bush vanished under mysterious circumstances in 1975
Missing In Iowa: Kaidena Wood's husband, James "Bill" Wood was murdered and their home set on fire in 2011, where is Kaidena?
Missing In Iowa: Marc James Warren Allen 13, vanished in 1986 his case was possibly tied into the Gosch and Martin cases.
Missing In Kentucky: Widow, Orla Alyne Barrick's nightly routine was interrupted and she vanished from her home in 1996.
Missing In Kentucky: The Runaway Boys.
Missing In Kentucky: Brookelyn Farthing vanished after a party and a mysterious house fire in 2013
The Disapperance of Bertha Lee Sistrunk, last seen walking a mile from home in her robe
Missing In Kentucky: Robert Honeycut jumps into another vehicle following his traumatic single vehicle accident and vanished in 2009
Missing In Nevada: 7 year old Karla Rodriguez rode off on her bike and never returned home in 1999
Missing In Nevada: Nancy and James Robinson vanished in 1982, leaving blood behind at the scene and an arson investigation.
Missing In Nevada: Amanda Fravel relocated from California to Nevada she vanished less than a year later in 1986