When your favorite non-shounen animanga characters are no longer being roided up by the Warhammer 40k Effect:
Do you know any groups/people that are so agenda-filled that they'll seriously mislead about the literal abilities and narrative role a character has? Welcome to modern powerscaling
The Warhammer 40k Effect
What would you name this effect in powerscaling?
Basically this sub
When did this sub get so popular all of a sudden?
Casual powerscaler learns the truth
The safe edgy humour starter pack
Wank Senator Armstrong to multiversal+ using what little "evidence" you can find because imagining well-known OP characters getting beat by an over-the-top patriot is funny
I think we should ban Outerversal and Boundless characters from vs debating *except Batgos of course*
Who's the weakest character in fiction?
Krypto the Fraudsniffer
Tell me your favorite character and I'll tell you why they beat the Slayer
my goats Harry & Marv are going to destroy that atom level fraud
is this a fair matchup?
Death Battle gaslit everyone into thinking that Batman beat Darkseid
Poor Saitama…
Never let r/superheroes scail
Which is the safest option?
What's a Trope you find annoying when it comes to Powerscaling?
Where does he scale?
"B-but he dodged a LASER!!" The Laser in question:
we keep getting outjerked
Nice "outerversal shitload" now check this out
90% of power scales would look at these numbers and say "Fodder tier"