What's the craziest pit you've ever seen?
I prefer Mall Screamo/Emo and Post-Hardcore over Midwest Emo
In Search of Melodic Screamo
Need some help
Album covers that look screamo but aren’t
More tongue-in-cheek 'meme' bands like Sunami or Big Ass Truck?
songs about hating someone with a drug addiction?
For sale taking offers
Classic Haywire W
small/forgotten bands of the 2000s and 2010s?
I might get made fun of, but based on my music what would you recommend
Updated Hellphyra (Hellfest) lineup for July 4th and 5th in NJ.
Going to a music fest and I’m gonna have to rough it
I'm a punk/hardcore fan and also a Game Designer
Songs about feeling isolated from the rest of the world?
Why is my doctor so reluctant to give out painkillers for severe tonsillitis
How do I get into Hardcore?
looking for venues/shows NYC
What are some good new emo bands?
need some suggestions!
Shows in Rhode Island
Shouty band suggestions
no one i know listens to this type of music
Group Question for Haywire Fans