Her boob job ruins all these cute outfits
This episode of Beneath the sheets is so telling.
Ummmmmm what?!???
At what age did you stop caring about your birthday?
What’s the youngest person you’ve gotten that has pre-paid for their funeral?
Heartbroken at 11 weeks
Switch Lite won't turn on at all
What's the saddest episode of a show?
With what friends?
First pregnancy/First Miscarriage
Be honest… What pregnancy “rule” are you bending or breaking?
What’s your kid made of?
Scammer in South Dayton?
Paranoias during pregnancy. What’s yours?
How constipated are you?
woke up to this at 11 dpo omg
Positive test today, now what
8dpo - do you see a VVVFL?
After 9 months in trying… 9 dpo. Is this for real?!
Help me out
Is this a faint line or indent?
Find the ear plug (Extremely Hard)
Well well well
Guys, she posted a story ….and