I wish the Trading Post could become less "fairy stuff"... 3/4 of this months offers are just butterfly/sailor moon things...
Want to do raiding now that its double XP
I beat ?? Zekvir and had nobody to tell
[PC] W: Forest camo jumpsuit H: Responders Fireman helmet, QE25 Handmade, Overeaters mods, caps and scrap
H: Responder Fireman Helmet, Caps, Overeaters mods, QE Handmade W: Forest camo jumpsuit
Scraped all SPECIAL
Did a reinstall and came back from a break... now this?!
Er det ok å være 20 og ikke ha venner? Jeg er veldig bekymret
We brought our new player friend to raids, straight from vault 76.
Auctioneer shows currency i cant find on the listed characters...?
What’s something you find attractive in a person that most people don’t?
Mini sets dont include legendaries i need. Now what?
The brain can start eating itself if it doesn't get enough sleep. Sleep loss can trigger astrocytes to start breaking down more of the brain's connections and their debris
How are your loadouts looking like?
Fortnitemares V-Bucks Giveaway
Collecting all 13 Tier 2 sets will require 320 Bronze
Erfaringer med Unity Arena, Hans Zimmer eller lignende?
Less room on my screen than others?
How do I get justice points?
[Help] Fitting bars, frames etc underneath character
Tier 8 Delves… what are we doing now?
whats the damage like for your main professions ?
What kinds of therapy exists?
Took a break in season 12 and now I cant figure out how the crazy movement worked
Anybody ever find out if the new UI size is bugged? If so, is there any fix?