I'm a 6'8" high schooler looking to play D1 in college
Bro I swear everyone on here either lives in the hood or has some sort of issue in their life
Is 17 and 15 ok to date?
4x your salary or 200k per month tax free, but it'll be a random job I give you
How physically strong do you want your girlfriend to be?
“Surface dweller of great power, likes of which this planet has not seen….for EONS”
Thoughts on the forced “baptism” ?
What are some dribble drills for a complete beginner?
I’m dating a tall woman!
If Invincible can see the future why does he get his ass beat so often? Why did he leave Immortal in charge of earth if he can see the future?
Who is smarter? Sheldon after Germany, or Paige?
Mahito ult change?
If Hank Never Found Out
Has anyone ever argued with you about your height ' you can't be 5'10 because I'm 6 foot so you must be 6'3!
How do you bait drives?
Why didn’t Cecil…?
Short = creepy looking face? :(
Annie being the female Titan was obvious imo but it being so obvious made the Reiner twist so much better because your wondering who else is a Titan then Reiner just tells ts so casually your just like wtf did I just hear
Why is conquest missing an arm and has scars?
Conquest is pure perfection
I just binged all 3 seasons and i have questions
Would you dare to fight a muscular and strong woman?
Being short ain't so bad
Short and 26% body fat, burning it to get lean
What's an underrated pizza topping?