Midi Drums?
Evolving or Losing Myself?
I love Concrete Seconds.
Me and my little brother collaborated to customize my guitar
Neck pickup buzz on thrifted guitar
Adding life to a mix that sounds dry?
Can you get good at guitar from just learning songs?
Mystery guitar?
Turning a modeling amp into a bypassable pedalboard?
Trying to learn PPP on guitar, looking for some help please
Important question for the r/SmashingPumpkins community.....what's his name gonna be
does anyone here like neon indian?
What do you think the pumpkins most underrated song? Here's my choice
Favorite r/TheStrokes albums that are not by The Strokes: Day 1. Most voted response in 24 hours gets added here! Remember, ONE album PER artist
r/Radiohead — Favorite non-Radiohead albums of the 21st century — DAY 7
What’s one Radiohead song that everyone else seems to love, but you just can’t seem to enjoy?
Favourite r/radiohead albums outside of Radiohead: Day 1. Most voted response in 24 hours gets added here.
I’m pretty sure there’s missing songs so just tell me if you notice.
Your top 5 favorite movies of 2022?
Looking for 3005 teddy bear
What’s the best gambino feature?
Follow Up Post: Song Meaning: Little Dark Age
I wanna ask my girlfriend to homecoming with strokes song titles on the poster, any ideas?
Let's Settle This. What was the better album, OK Computer (my vote) or The Bends?