The Who - Quadrophenia
90s prog albums?
Favorite moment from Thick as a Brick?
3 shmucks on a bench
Opčinjenost Japanom
The Moche were a mysterious civilization who ruled the northern coast of Peru beginning 2,000 years ago. They lacked written language, but were incredibly skilled in pottery and ceramics which they used to communicate ideas and express their lives.
Your thoughts on this album?
What's the most evil thing you've done on Red Dead
Custom Car Mods For GTA Sa Pc
My brother drew all the Bloodborne bosses as Cuphead characters. I arranged them in the perfect order.
Pat-e ne, nemoj im otkriti tajnu!
I finally installed LGBT lights in my room
What's your favorite level in Dark Souls 1?
Friend told me to wear the Old Witch's Ring and speak to the fair lady, i kinda feel bad now. Also found a depressed Solaire.
Save editing to NG+?
What is the name of this album?
Stop crying about your nose
I played for 10 hours straight today
Old Magazines
(22) extremely depressed and relied on drinking to get through the day - to now (27) sober, extremely happy to be alive and feel blessed every day. Glad I didn’t give up trying.
Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater + Map Download
Rush’s best record?
Does anyone know how to solve it? (It's not my hardware, I finished GTA V 2 weeks ago without any problems)
Favourite outro?